Health, is our primary concern, when we come to talk about our own food centers. Our Food Centers, are highly configured as per norms with the Food Regulatory Authority, who are responsible to undertake routine inspections regarding quality of food, as per requirements of the ‘Health & Safety Act’ of the concerned jurisdiction. The staff, dealing with daily operations of such food centers, are scrutinized thoroughly and are well-trained, for their job activities. We do not take any chance, when it comes to health issues and cannot blindfold our eyes from malnutrition. We are determined to provide best nutritious food to everyone including students, teachers, visitors or parents, whoever comes to our campus, for any reason. Our special meal programs for students, living on-campus, are strictly adhered to the regulations, taken care by our team of Nutritionists & Dietitians. Their role is to make sure that the ‘quality’ must not get undersized due to lack of any sort of negligence or carelessness.
Under Recreational Activity Programs (RAP), we duly take care of physical fitness, for everyone on-campus. Either there could be students, teachers, parents or informal outsiders, who are there to make the best moments to enjoy their life are acknowledged with due respect and provided amenities with all sorts of activities, they can nourish effectively. We love to promote sports activities, both indoor and outdoor, and its our strong desire to provide our students the best platform for their outstanding performances in regional, national or international arenas. In exceptional circumstances, where we can afford, we would love to sponsor such activities on wider scale, as well. Our qualified team of instructors, for both sports and other recreational/leisure activities, are highly trained to energize and inspire, the budding aspirants.