
Journalism is an ‘‘expression of freedom’ which cannot be undermined and manipulated for commercialization purposes. It is the only way to bring ‘common sense‘ to forefront and hence helps in establishment of commonness in present society. We, as people, are not supposed to prejudice our beliefs, our eagerness to learn about the truth and the reality behind the scenes. A journey started from an individual, through groups and societal paradigms can help us to understand various instincts of modern society.

Here, the role of Freelancers comes in. A Freelancer is a person who has an intuitive approach towards a specific skill or professional knowledge. An asset that they carry, in their best possible ways, to overcome hurdles faced by others. Their creativity, freshness and yield to be independent while being more innovative and discover able, makes them best for a promising performance.

On this platform, we encourage such individuals to come forward and play vital role in helping others to understand the nature of ‘dynamic thought process‘ to revitalize the learning minds with fresh, knowledgeable and potential capability in bringing ‘required changes‘.