
Post-1989 official version

Burmese lyrics

Burmese script[13]RomanisationMLC Transcription SystemIPA transcription as sung[b]
တရားမျှတ လွတ်လပ်ခြင်းနဲ့ မသွေ၊
တို့ပြည်၊ တို့မြေ၊
များလူခပ်သိမ်း၊ ငြိမ်းချမ်းစေဖို့၊
ခွင့်တူညီမျှ၊ ဝါဒဖြူစင်တဲ့ပြည်၊
တို့ပြည်၊ တို့မြေ၊
ပြည်ထောင်စုအမွေ၊ အမြဲတည်တံ့စေ၊
အဓိဋ္ဌာန်ပြုပေ၊ ထိန်းသိမ်းစို့လေ။

𝄆 ကမ္ဘာမကျေ[2] မြန်မာပြည်၊[10][c]
တို့ဘိုးဘွား အမွေစစ်မို့ ချစ်မြတ်နိုးပေ။ 𝄇
ပြည်ထောင်စုကို အသက်ပေးလို့ တို့ကာကွယ်မလေ၊
ဒါတို့ပြည် ဒါတို့မြေ တို့ပိုင်နက်မြေ။
တို့ပြည် တို့မြေ အကျိုးကို ညီညာစွာတို့တစ်တွေ
ထမ်းဆောင်ပါစို့လေ တို့တာဝန်ပေ အဖိုးတန်မြေ။
Tăyá hmyạ tạ lut lap chíng nệ mă đwè
Dọ pyè dọ myè
Myá lù khap đ‬é‪m nyém jám zè b‪ọ‬
‪Khwịng tù nyì hmyạ wàdạ phyù sìng dẹ pyè
Dọ pyè dọ myè
Pyì dồng zụ ămwè ămyé tì dạm zè
Ădetthàn pyụ bè thén đém zọ lè.

‪𝄆 Găbà mă cè Myămà pyè
Dọ bó bwá ămwè sic mọ chic myat nó bè 𝄇
Pyì dồng zụ gò ăđêk pé lọ dọ kà gwề mălè
Dà dọ pyè dà dọ myè dọ pằng nêk myè
Dọ pyè dọ myè ăcó gò nyì nyà zwà dọ dădwè
Thám xồng bà zọ lè dọ tà wùn bè ăphó tàn myè!
Ta.ra: hmya. ta. lwat lap hkrang: nai. ma. swe
Tui. prany tui. mre
Mya: lu hkap sim: ngrim: hkyam: ce hpo.
Hkwang. tu nyi hmya. wada. hpyu cang tai. prany
Tui. prany tui. mre
Prany htaung cu. a mwi a.mrai: tany tam. ce
A.dhithtan pru. pe htin: sim: cui. le

𝄆 Kambha ma. kye / Mranma prany /
Tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe // 𝄇
Prany htaung cu. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le /
Da tui. prany da tui. mre tui. puing nak mre //
Tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe
Htam: hcaung pa sui. le tui. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre //
[ta̰.já m̥ja̰.ta̰ lʊʔ.laʔ t͡ɕʰɪ́ŋ nɛ̰ ma̰ θwè ǀ]
[to̰ pjè ǀ to̰ mjè ǁ]
[mjá lù kʰaʔ.t̪éɪ̯ŋ ɲéɪ̯ɰ̃.d͡ʑán zè βo̰ ǀ]
[kʰwɪ̰ŋ tù.ɲì m̥ja̰ ǀ wà.da̰ (ǀ) pʰjù.sɪ̀ŋ dḛ pjè ǀ]
[do̰ pjè ǀ do̰ mjè ǁ]
[pjì.dàʊ̯ŋ.zṵ ʔə.mwè ʔ(ə.)mjɛ́ tì.da̰ŋ zè]
[ʔ(ə.)deɪ̯ʔ.tʰàn pjṵ βè ǀ tʰéɪ̯ŋ.t̪éɪ̯ŋ zo̰ lè ǁ]

𝄆 [ɡ(ə.)βà mə t͡ɕè ǀ mjə.mà pjè ǀ]
[do̰ βó.bwá (ʔə.)mwè sɪʔ mo̰ t͡ɕʰɪʔ mjaʔ nó βè ǁ] 𝄇
[pjì.dàʊ̯ŋ.zṵ ɡò ʔ(ə.)t̪ɛʔ pé lo̰ do̰ kà ɡwɛ̀ m(ə.)lè ǀ]
[dà do̰ pjè dà do̰ mjè do̰ pàɪ̯ŋ.nɛʔ mjè ǀ]
[do̰ pjè ǀ do̰ mjè ǀ ʔ(ə.)t͡ɕó ɡò ǀ ɲì.ɲà zwà do̰ d(ə.)dwè ǀ]
[tʰán sʰàʊ̯ŋ bà zo̰ lè ǀ do̰ tà.wʊ̀ŋ bè ʔ(ə.)pʰó.tàn mjè ǁ]

English translation

Accompanied with justice and freedom;
our nation, our motherland.
To bring peace to all people;
the nation having equal right and pure policy,
our nation, our motherland.
Let us preserve with vow
for perpetuity of our heritage of the Union.

𝄆 As long as the world exists, we love Myanmar,
the true heritage of our ancestors. 𝄇
We shall safeguard the Union by sacrificing our lives.
This is our nation, our motherland and our own land.
Let us serve unitedly for the interest of our nation, our motherland.
That is our duty for the precious land.
Where prevail justice and independence
It’s our country … Our land
Where prevail equal rights and correct policies
For people to lead a peaceful life
It’s our country … Our land
We solemnly pledge to preserve
The Union, and the heritage, for perpetuity.

𝄆 Until the world ends up shattering, long live Myanmar!
We love our land because this is our real inheritance. 𝄇
We will sacrifice our lives to protect our country,
This is our nation, this is our land and it belongs to us.
Being our nation and our land, let us do good causes to our nation in unity!
And this is our very duty to our invaluable land.