El Salvador

The Future Planet El Salvador

Spanish original[7][8][9][10]IPA transcription[a]English translation
𝄆 Saludemos la patria orgullosos
de hijos suyos podernos llamar
y juremos la vida animosos,
sin descanso a su bien consagrar. 𝄇
𝄆 Consagrar, consagrar. 𝄇

De la paz en la dicha suprema,
Siempre noble soñó El Salvador;
Fue obtenerla su eterno problema,
Conservarla es su gloria mayor.

Y con fe inquebrantable el camino
Del progreso se afana en seguir (en seguir),
Por llenar su grandioso destino,
Conquistarse un feliz porvenir.

Le protege una férrea barrera
Contra el choque de ruin deslealtad,
Desde el día que en su alta bandera
Con su sangre escribió: ¡LIBERTAD!
𝄆 Escribió: ¡LIBERTAD! 𝄇


Libertad es su dogma, es su guía
Que mil veces logró defender;
Y otras tantas, de audaz tiranía
Rechazar el odioso poder.

Dolorosa y sangrienta es su historia,
Pero excelsa y brillante a la vez (a la vez);
Manantial de legítima gloria,
Gran lección de espartana altivez.

No desmaya en su innata bravura,
En cada hombre hay un héroe inmortal
Que sabrá mantenerse a la altura
De su antiguo valor proverbial.
𝄆 Valor proverbial. 𝄇


Todos son abnegados, y fieles
Al prestigio del bélico ardor
Con que siempre segaron laureles
De la patria salvando el honor.

Respetar los derechos extraños
Y apoyarse en la recta razón (razón)
Es para ella, sin torpes amaños
Su invariable, más firme ambición.

Y en seguir esta línea se aferra
Dedicando su esfuerzo tenaz,
En hacer cruda guerra a la guerra:
Su ventura se encuentra en la paz.
𝄆 Se encuentra en la paz. 𝄇

𝄆 [sa.lu.ˈðe.mos la ˈpa.tɾja‿oɾ.gu.ˈʝo.sos]
[de‿ˈi.xos ˈsu.ʝos po.ˈðeɾ.noz‿ɟ͡ʝa.ˈmaɾ]
[i xu.ˈɾe.mos la‿ˈβi.ð(a)‿a.ni.ˈmo.sos]
[sin des.ˈkan.so‿a su‿βjen kon.sa.ˈɣɾaɾ] 𝄇
𝄆 [kon.sa.ˈɣɾaɾ kon.sa.ˈɣɾaɾ] 𝄇

[de la pas en la‿ˈði.t͡ʃa su.ˈpɾe.ma]
[ˈsjem.pɾe ˈno.βle so.ˈɲo‿el sal.βa.ˈðoɾ]
[fwe oβ.te.ˈneɾ.la su e.ˈteɾ.no pɾo.ˈβle.ma]
[kon.seɾ.ˈβaɾ.la‿es su‿ˈɣlo.ɾja ma.ˈʝoɾ]

[i kon fe‿iŋ.ke.βɾan.ˈta.βle‿el ka.ˈmi.no]
[del pɾo.ˈɣɾe.so se‿a.fa.ˈna‿en se.ˈɣiɾ]
[poɾ ɟ͡ʝe.ˈnaɾ su‿ɣɾan.ˈdjo.so‿ðes.ˈti.no]
[koŋ.kis.ˈtaɾ.se‿un fe.ˈlis poɾ.ve.ˈniɾ]

[le pɾo.ˈte.xe‿ˈu.na ˈfe.re.a‿βa.ˈre.ɾa]
[ˈkon.tɾa‿el ˈt͡ʃo.ke‿ðe ˈrwin dez.le.al.ˈtað]
[ˈdez.ðe‿el ˈdi.a ke‿en su‿ˈal.ta‿βan.ˈde.ɾa]
[kon su ˈsaŋ.gɾe‿es.kɾi.ˈβjo ǀ li.βeɾ.ˈtað ǁ]
𝄆 [es.kɾi.ˈβjo ǀ li.βeɾ.ˈtað ǁ] 𝄇


[li.βeɾ.ˈtað es su‿ˈðoɣ.ma‿es su ˈɣi.a]
[ke mil‿ˈβe.ses lo.ˈɣɾo‿ðe.fen.ˈdeɾ]
[i‿ˈo.tɾas ˈtan.tas ǀ de‿au̯.ˈðas ti.ɾa.ˈni.a]
[re.t͡ʃa.saɾ el o.ˈðjo.so po.ˈðeɾ]

[do.lo.ˈɾo.sa‿i saŋ.ˈgɾjen.ta‿es su‿ˈis.to.ɾja]
[ˈpe.ɾo‿eɣ.ˈsel.sa‿i‿βɾi.ˈʝan.te‿a la‿βes]
[ma.nan.ˈtjal de le.ˈxi.ti.maˈˈɣlo.ɾja]
[gɾan lek.ˈsjon de‿es.paɾ.ˈta.na‿al.ti.βes]

[noˈðez.ˈma.ʝa‿en su‿in.ˈna.taˈβɾa.ˈvu.ɾa]
[en ˈka.ða‿ˈom.bɾe‿ai̯‿un ˈe.ɾo.e‿im.moɾ.ˈtal]
[ke sa.ˈβɾa man.te.ˈneɾ.se‿a la‿ˈal.tu.ɾa]
[de suˈan.ˈti.ɣwoˈβa.ˈloɾ pɾo.βeɾ.ˈβjal]
[ba.ˈloɾ pɾo.βeɾ.ˈβjal]


[ˈto.ðos son aβ.na.ˈɣa.ðos i ˈfje.les]
[al pɾes.ˈti.xjo‿ðel‿ˈβe.li.ko‿aɾ.ˈðoɾ]
[kon ke ˈsjem.pɾe se.ɣa.ˈɾon lau̯.ˈɾe.les]
[de la ˈpa.tɾja sal.ˈβan.do‿el o.ˈnoɾ]

[res.pe.ˈtaɾ loz‿ðe.ˈɾe.t͡ʃos eɣs.ˈtɾa.ɲos]
[i‿a.po.ˈʝaɾ.se‿en la ˈɾek.ta ɾa.ˈson]
[es ˈpa.ɾa‿ˈe.ʝa sin ˈtoɾ.pes a.ˈma.ɲos]
[su‿im.ba.ˈɾja.βle mas ˈfiɾ.me‿am.bi.ˈsjon]

[i‿en se.ˈɣiɾ ˈes.ta ˈli.ne.a se‿a.ˈfe.ra]
[de.ði.ˈkan.do su‿es.ˈfweɾ.so te.ˈnas]
[en a.ˈseɾ ˈkɾu.ða‿ˈɣe.ra‿a la‿ˈɣe.ra]
[su‿βen.ˈtu.ɾa se‿eŋ.ˈkwen.tɾa‿en la pas]
[se‿eŋ.ˈkwen.tɾa‿en la pas]

𝄆 Let us salute the fatherland, proud
Of being able to be called its children
And let us swear our life, spirited,
To consecrate its good without rest. 𝄇
𝄆 Consecrate, consecrate. 𝄇

Of peace in supreme bliss,
Always noble El Salvador dreamt;
Obtaining it was her eternal challenge,
Keeping it is her greatest glory.

And with unwavering faith, the path
Of progress, she strives to follow (to follow),
To fulfil her grand destiny,
Conquer a happy future.

An iron barrier protects her
Against the clash of vile disloyalty,
Since the day that on her high flag
With her blood she wrote “LIBERTY!”
𝄆 She wrote “LIBERTY!” 𝄇


Liberty is her dogma, is her guide
That she managed to defend a thousand times;
And as many times, audacious tyranny’s
Hateful power, to repel.

Painful and bloody is her story,
But lofty and brilliant at the same time (at the same time);
A source of legitimate glory,
A great lesson of Spartan pride.

Her innate bravery does not waver,
In each man there is an immortal hero
Who will know how to keep to the merit
Of its ancient proverbial value.
𝄆 Proverbial value. 𝄇


All are selfless, and faithful
To the prestige of warlike ardour
With which they always reaped glories
Saving the honour of the fatherland.

To respect the rights of others
And base herself on just reason (reason)
Is for her, without dishonest tricks,
Her invariable, firmest ambition.

And in following this line she persists
Dedicating her tenacious effort,
In waging harsh war on war:
Her fortune is found in peace.
𝄆 Is found in peace. 𝄇


In Nawat

Nawat original[13][14][15][16]IPA transcription[17][18][b]
𝄆 Tajpalulikan ka tupal ne tal[c]
Ipijpilawan tiwelit tukaytiyat
Wan kitalikan ne tiyultiwit[d]
Te musewiyat pal welit tikpiyate. 𝄇[e]
𝄆 Tikpiyate, tikpiyate. 𝄇[f]

Timunekit pal tiwelit tinemit
Sejsenpatimikwit ne takushkatan palkwi[g]
Ka kipiak ka te akaj kinekik[h]
Ka kichiwki achta nemit achtu nemi.[i]

Wan tay inak te mukwepki tik ne ujti[j]
Pal kipiate keman musewij (musewij)
Pal kitema se tumak tiawit kipiat[k]
Kiputzawase ipal ya nemi[l]

Kipalewki se ketzal tet.
Kitat munami kaj te muneki[m]
Keman ne tunal ku tik ne ajku panti[n]
Wan yesyu tawawasuj tamakichti,
𝄆 Tawawasuj tamakichti, 𝄇[o]
𝄆 [tah.pa.lu.li.kaŋ ka tu.pal ne tal]
[i.pih.pi.la.wan ti.we.lit tu.kaj.ti.jat]
[waŋ ki.ta.li.kan ne ti.jul.ti.wit]
[te mu.se.wi.jat pal we.lit tik.pi.ja(.)t(eʔ)] 𝄇
𝄆 [tik.pi.ja(.)t(eʔ) tik.pi.ja(.)t(eʔ)] 𝄇

[ti.mu.ne.kit pal ti.we.lit ti.ne.mit]
[seh.sen.pa.ti.mi.kʷit ne ta.kuʃ.ka.tan pal.kʷiʔ]
[ka ki.pi(.)ak ka te a.kah ki.ne.kik]
[ka ki.t͡ʃiw.ki at͡ʃ.ta ne.mit t͡ʃ.tu ne.miʔ]

[wan taj i.nak te mu.kʷep.ki tik ne uh.tiʔ]
[pal ki.pja.te ke.man mu.se.wi mu.se.wih]
[pal ki.te.ma se tu.mak tʲwit ki.pjat]
[ki.pu.t͡sa.wa.se i.pal ya ne.miʔ]

[ki.pa.lew.ki se ke.t͡sal tet]
[ki.tat mu.na.mi kaj te mu.ne.kiʔ]
[ke.man ne tu.nal ku tik ne ah.ku pan.tiʔ]
[wan jes.ju ta.wa.wa.suh ta.ma(.)k(i)t͡ʃ.t(i)ʔ]
𝄆 [ta.wa.wa.suh ta.ma(.)k(i)t͡ʃ.t(i)ʔ] 𝄇