[call_to_action color=”” button_text=”OUR MANDATE” button_url=”http://www.sadeora.com/singh_empire/sri-akaaltakht-sahib/an-introduction/functionary-body/mandate/”] A Mandate is defined as the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded to be followed up by a candidate or member or volunteer or anyone who represents the governing body, directly or indirectly to the general public or current affairs. The Mandate can be considered as an official order or commission to do something concerned to its Governing Body.

[call_to_action color=”” button_text=”OUR GUIDELINES” button_url=”http://www.sadeora.com/singh_empire/sri-akaaltakht-sahib/an-introduction/functionary-body/guidelines/”] The Guidelines, usually, are a statement or other indication of policy or procedure by which to determine a course of action. It is usually a recommended practice that allows some discretion or leeway in its interpretation, implementation, or use. Guidelines are intended to be a road-map that defines a set of parameters for its followers, so as to maintain a sound implementation of actions. 

[call_to_action color=”” button_text=”OUR TRIBUNAL” button_url=”http://www.sadeora.com/singh_empire/sri-akaaltakht-sahib/an-introduction/functionary-body/tribunal/”] A Tribunal in the general sense is any person or institution with the authority to judge, adjudicate on, or determine claims or disputes—whether or not it is called a tribunal in its title. Most oftenly, in a physical scenario, a tribunal is a seat of judgment, particularly a judge’s seat in court or a group of people who oversee a trial. The trials are overseen, while following the prescribed acts, guidelines or by-laws concerned with the Governing Body.

[call_to_action color=”” button_text=”OUR COURT OF APPEALS” button_url=”http://www.sadeora.com/singh_empire/sri-akaaltakht-sahib/an-introduction/functionary-body/court-of-appeals/”] The Court Of Appeals, also called appellate courts, are designed as part of the system of due process. Cases may be presented to these courts/tribunal if a party is dissatisfied with the original court’s or a tribunal’s decision. Whereas appeals, are considered to be the fundamental rights of an individual or group of people against whom the original Court / Tribunal Orders have been ordered.